Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!  Sadly Cole woke up sick Saturday morning with a fever and runny nose and cough, but we made the best out of the weekend that we could.  We all went to visit Cole's great Grandma on Saturday and had lunch there, made a stop at Wal-Mart and picked up a birthday present for Cole and then came home and put the little guy to bed.  Sunday morning we all woke up and got showered, gave Cole some medicine to help him through the day and drove to Sean's Dad's and sister's house.  When we got there Auntie Sara had an Easter egg hunt set up for the boys, so the trucked around outside collecting eggs and afterwards getting their Easter baskets and goodies....We went and saw a movie all together, Monsters vs Aliens, it was very cute, and then once again we came straight home and put Cole back to bed.  He has a horrible dry cough which sounds so painful, it does make him he seems to be feeling a bit better, no fever at least....Still wont eat much.  What a weekend to get sick huh?  Oh well, we still had a good time, and I think Cole did as well...the medicine helped.  I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!  :-)

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