Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life's been hectic!

I just wanted to stop by real quick and apologize for not blogging in the last few months, wow, I can't believe its been months since I updated here. I have been so busy, working about 6 days a week and only have one day off [Saturdays], which technically isn't even a day off, its the day I have to run errands, i.e. Walmart, Groceries, Target, etc....and spend it with my two main men....I will come back later on today or this week and add some new photos of Cole for everyone to see. I hope the new year is treating everyone well, I know it is me, just keeping me very busy, what do you expect with an almost 2 year old! Cole is doing well, getting SO big, he will be two years old in exactly two months! ***Sniff Sniff***. My little man is growing up so fast. I just watch him race around now and he is such a little boy, no longer a baby. But he is so much fun and I love him to death! He is getting his hair cut (or should I say trimmed) on Saturday, so we are looking forward to that, and his cousin and Auntie are coming to stay with us for the evening too, so of course Cole will be partying with his cousin! :-) Again, I am sorry its been so long since I have updated this, I will give myself a slap on the wrist and a 'do better slip'. Be back soon with photos!


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