Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thought I would take a moment and update the "family blog" while Cole and his buddy watch a movie. Last week I was incredibly sick with a bladder infection that spread to a kidney infection, which caused some horrible back pain, I was given a dose of antibiotics that I needed to take for 10 days, twice a day. I will take my last dose tomorrow. They also gave me some pain meds to help with the back pain, they helped tremendously and I ended up only taking them the first night b/c after that my back pain was gone. The antibiotics, however, were just awful, they made me so nauseous and everytime I ate it felt like it wasn't sitting well. That has seemed to subside though, thankfully.

Our weekend was great, we went to Hollywood on Saturday so Sean could take some photographs for one of his classes at school and then stopped by his Dad's house to visit, we grabbed some food, which has never tasted so good, I was starving, and then went back to his house to relax and catch up some more. Sunday was just another ordinary Sunday, woke up and lounged around the house, went to my moms real quick to feed her animals because she is out of town on business and then I headed off to work myself. It was a late night for me Sunday night [technically early Monday morning], but I managed.

As far as Wedding Plans go, we are getting there, slowly but surely. There are a few phone calls we need to make within the next few weeks and things to get sorted out, but its coming along. Have my dress now, its hanging up in our closet, need to get it altered but will do that closer to the wedding.

Things are going well for our little family, I love them dearly and am so thankful for what I have. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week, and will update again soon, when something exciting happens! ;-)


Friday, February 12, 2010

A New Year

So here we are, 2010, where has the time gone? I know its been months since I have even thought about "Blogging", but I am determined to get back into the swing of it, yes I know it is something I keep saying but this time I mean it.

Where to begin....? The second half of 2009 was full of many different ups and downs. Cole broke his leg near the end of summer and was placed in a half a body cast for a full 8 weeks, what a trial that was to get through. But, he was an absolute trooper, he really is an amazing little boy, what I thought was going to be 8 weeks from hell, trying to keep him content while he was immobile actually went by pretty quickly. He learned to army crawl around the house to play with his toys, we read stories and colored a lot, went on walks and even fed the ducks that are now outside our front door!

We also moved from our 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment to a 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom town home near the Valencia Fairways Golf course. We love it here, its the next best thing to being able to own our own house, we will get there one day. Our view out our front window is the golf course, Cole loves to go outside and we take our walks through the nice pathways in our neighborhood and play in all the grassy areas too...As mentioned before we even go and feed the "duckies" every once in a while.

With 2010 here, Sean and I are planning our wedding which is set for October 2, 2010.... Sean is back at school this week, taking classes Mon-Thurs until 10 o'clock at night and I am working 6-7 days a week depending on the week. So we are all busy busy. Cole is doing fantastically, you would never know he broke his leg last year, he is running around like a wild man, talking up a storm and just being his amazing self. I can't get over how much I love him. He makes everyone smile who he meets and everyone just adores him. He is going to be trouble as he gets older, he is already winning over the hearts of women all ages. He truly is a blessing and I love being able to spend so much time with him. I cannot believe that he is going to be three this year! Where does the time go? I feel like I could go on and on about how wonderful Cole is and start listing off all the hysterical things he says, for example, whenever he coughs his pats his chest and says "Scue me!", that has got to be one of the cutest things by far. But if I list everything he says we could be here all day. Guess most importantly to share is that he is a very happy, healthy, strong 2.5 year old boy who is spoiled rotten and loved by many, and that is all that truly matters.